One of the festivities that is a big deal in Mexico s the Day of the
Death that is celebrated on the 1st. and 2nd. of November.
Mexicans firmly believe that there is life after death and that their
beloved ones that had passed away continue helping them from heaven.
The way Mexicans celebrate the Day of the Death is by building altars
at home to honor their death people in the family. In the altar you will
normally sea the pictures of all the members of the family that had passed
away lighted everyone with an individual candle. Around them you can see all
kind of goodies that when their beloved ones were still in this life, loved
to eat as mole, sweet bread (mmmmm, love it) rise, tamales, quesadillas
atole, chocolate etc. all kind of good and delicious things because it is
believed that at night, they come to feed themselves. Also you can see
beautiful flowers of special colors that only you can find in such days with
bright colors like bright yellow, bright purple, and bright orange, that
give a nice touch to that altar.
Also the all cemeteries in all over Mexico are decorated with nice
flowers as mentioned before and all the tombs have the picture of the one
that lies there and also they light the tomb with candles and leave the
goodies as they do with the altars.
It is frequent to see mariachis around the tombs playing and singing
the songs that used to be the favorites of the guy that lies in the tomb
while he or she was alive.
The main place that is very famous for this celebration is the state
of Michoacan, and in Michoacan specifically the Island of Janitzio where
almost all the island is a cemetery. You can see from the distance the
cemetery all lighted up those days.
Enjoy ! ! ! !